Monday, September 30, 2019

Manage People Performance Essay

It is important when allocating work to ensure that resources are appropriately allocated and that they are available for use as and when they are needed. When drawing up a plan you need to focus on what you want to achieve, what you can do to achieve it and what might happen while you are moving toward achievement. You must consider what will be done, when and how it will be done and by whom. You need to identify and communicate organisational vision and develop a unified sense of direction. You will need to conduct an environmental scanning/analysis. Identify short a long term goals and make sure they are realistic and achievable. You would need to develop with relevant personnel strategies and plans for goal achievement as well as financial plans. These plans would need to be communicated to stakeholders and then implement these plans. During this process you must set appropriate KRA’s and KPI’s and track, monitor and evaluate the procedure. When allocating work, the competencies and availability of staff must be considered so that work is allotted to those who are best equipped to do it. You must consider employee experience, skills, knowledge, understandings and workloads. You must consider checking their understanding and give support and opportunities to ask questions. When allocating work the goals and objectives must be clearly defined so that employees can put them into action plans and achieve these goals. Managers and leaders must take into consideration, the interests of the staff members, their availability and the likely outcomes of involving specific employees. You must also consider resource management. When planning work and allocating tasks to employees and employee groups teams efficiency, productivity, cost management and outcomes must all be considered. When allocating work and drawing up plans you must consider a project plan as it shows a description of what is to be done, when and by whom and what funds are available. It covers the entire set of tasks that a project requires and allocates the different aspects of the project to the employees who are best equipped to produce the required outputs. It shows the major products, milestones, activities and resources required on the project. It is necessary to develop KRA’s and KPI’s that meet the organisations needs because they include clearly defined and achievable goals. They measure progress during the year in terms of identified targets, manage skills development, identify areas for development, contribute to the company’s wealth creation, obtain feedback that allow a change of direction when needed and promote an environment of self management. They point to what needs to be achieved. They indicate areas of current and ongoing success. It is also necessary to develop and implement performance management systems because they enable management to track, monitor and evaluate work to ensure that it is contributing towards the success of the organisation. To have a code of conduct in an organisation is vital because it has rules outlining responsibilities of proper practices for individuals and the organisation. It contains descriptions of the principles, values, standards, and rules of behaviour that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organisation in a way that contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders and respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations. A code of conduct provides a guide to staff for appropriate behaviour it will impact on the way they do their work and on the performance standards expected of the employees. Regularly monitoring and evaluating the work of employees enables the organisations manager to maintain current knowledge of what is happening, to pinpoint problem areas and to solve problems before they become destructive. Monitoring and evaluating will help achieve the intended outcomes, goals and objectives. Giving feedback and reinforcement to employees and acknowledging good work should be a continuous process. Feedback is the information that is given to people to let them know what they are doing well and what needs to improve. It also lets employees know that their efforts have been noticed. Acknowledging reinforces good work practice/behaviour and encourages us in continuing improvement. It acts as a source of recognition for the contribution made by the employees. Employees whose contribution to improvement processes and organisational success is recognised will be motivated to continue improving and you will have created higher levels of enthusiasm. It is important to acknowledge employees efforts and give feedback because employees who feel ignored and exploited will stop caring about their performance levels and quality. The employee will start underperforming, give poor customer service and relationships in the workplace will become strained. Giving effective feedback, reinforcement and acknowledgment will result in learning, improved competence, observable behavioural change and motivation. It will also make the employee feel valued and encourage good work. It is necessary to have systems in place to manage poor performance because they will help monitor, evaluate and keep track of the performance. Performance issues are most easily addressed and resolved when they are at a low level of difficulty and of short duration. Having systems in place will help you see what is doing well and what isn’t and you will be able to change, address and fix it. Problems that are not addressed might go underground, to represent at a later time at a higher level of disruption and significance. Having systems that manage poor performance in place will lead to improvement in performances. It is necessary to understand the organisations termination policy and the legislation to which it relates because unfair termination or dismissal can lead to consequences of dismissal under unfair dismissal laws. Employees can claim that their dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable and unfair and file a complaint or go to court. Unlawful dismissals are primarily based on discrimination grounds and notice periods.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Internet Advertising Affects the Customer Essay

The World Wide Web has emerged to be one of the greatest revolutions to business advertising and other forms of advertisements. Internet advertising is the use of the Internet on the global basis to promote and market products, brands, services, business groups or even announcements through the communication with customers online. Businessmen focused on making higher profits have put a little more emphasis on the Internet advertising and this is due to the fact that many people are accessing the Internet for their business needs (Wasiak, 2010). Electronic commerce enabled by the Internet allows business transaction to be done online. Many products are sold online through the Internet and this is because of the massive advertisement that is done on the Internet. Advertisement is one of the most crucial processes in the marketing of a product or service. It serves as a tool for making decisions on what good or service is of good quality to the consumer and the households. Some times back, advertisement was done through mass media, bill boards and use of other communication media like the television and the radio (Sheumaker & Wajda, 2009, p. 14). Most people used the magazines to get information as it was what they could afford and most customers could read the new brand products in the market through the advertisements that were being done at the magazines (Clemons, 2009). This paper explores the merits and demerits in Internet advertising as it applies to the customers and seeks to provide recommendations and suggestions for further research. How Internet Advertising Affects the Customer Introduction The modern world of information age has seen the Internet as one of the widely used forms of communication. The Internet has also modeled trusteeship among large numbers of people even those from different continents. Today, businesses can now be transacted through the Internet with much ease and fast speed. In the present world, almost three quarters of the entire world population can access the Internet. This has made Internet advertisement to become common and has benefited sellers to sell their goods and services online. Internet advertising has brought significant impacts to the consumers. It has affected the customers both positively and negatively in several ways. Of specific importance, it should be understood that Internet advertisement has really pushed the financial markets of specific nations to a higher notch and thus leading to the growth of the economy (Clemons, 2009). One of the advantages of Internet advertising to the customers is the fact that it reaches a larger audience than any other form of advertisement. Majority of individuals, particularly the customers are at the peak of Internet use to find the best goods of the best quality to purchase. As advertisements reach a large number of customers, these same customers can share the information on a certain product discovering more about the benefits or the dangers of a given product. As Wasiak puts it, â€Å"Social media has changed the way people interact amongst themselves and with their media† (Wasiak, 2010). This is common among pharmaceutical products where Internet advertisements have provided a slot for patients’ forums. This is also beneficial to product makers as they realize privileges when a large number of customers from all parts of the world are able to have a look at their product type and makes purchases. Internet advertising is perhaps the most cost effective for producers and sellers. Since Internet tools used for advertisements are increasingly getting cheaper, customers can get access to information on a variety of products from different companies and make comparisons. Internet advertisements are usually done through many ways. A website can be created about a specific company and the goods and services that it offers can be listed on that website. The producers can also program pop-up windows that are programmed to pop up whenever specific websites are opened. At the same time, Internet advertising can be done by sending customers messages to their mail boxes telling them about the benefits or the quality of a new brand of good in the market (Wasiak, 2010). While messages and the pop-ups may irritate the users of the Internet, they mean so much to willing and interested customers to have a keen look at the product or service being advertised. A good businessman is one who uses the least cost possible in the production of his goods and services. Advertisement falls under the channel of production and Internet advertising is one of the least cost effective methods of advertising. The use of other forms of advertisement like the televisions and other media has become too expensive for a rational producer and more so, it reaches only local customers. The cheapness of Internet advertising has made it to be very popular among many people in the whole world (Clemons, 2009). With the Internet advertising, many companies and producers are able to establish various statistics that can be of help to the improvement of their services and quality of the goods. This implies that all the features of the Internet advertising can be traced by the people placing those advertisements on the Internet. These features can be tested and measured and consumers or consumers can find enough data for analysis in order to establish critical information about the companies they are trading with. Some websites allow consumers of a certain product fill a form of client satisfaction and this greatly improves on product quality improvement. The improvement of the quality of products is of direct benefits to the consumers or customers (Wasiak, 2010). Customers are able to access information on the number of people purchasing a particular product, the negative responses about particular goods and services, the recommendations posted on the websites by customers and many more. This data or statistics is very necessary not only to the producers or the advertisers but also the customers. Internet advertising helps to improve the standards of advertisement as information about a particular product is available and the customer can find more about the product with just a few mouse clicks. Unlike in bill board advertisement where customers can see a new brand of a product being advertised and plan to check the details later, Internet advertising is all about a click of a mouse and everything will be at the eyes of the customer(Clemons, 2009). While Internet advertising offers significant benefits to the customers, it has the capacities to ruin the tastes and preferences of customers. Although the advantages of Internet advertising overweigh the disadvantages, specific limitations of advertising through the Internet have to be appreciated as well. For instance, the customers suffer a lot of mind torture trying to create the real picture of the goods being advertised on the Internet. An eligible customer would want to touch, feel and even taste the good before deciding to go for it in the market. This is one capacity the Internet advertising is lacking which is very vital in the convincing the mind of the customer to buy the good. This however does not really affect the sales and purchases of goods and services that are advertised on the Internet. A customer builds trust of a website and trusts whatever he or she is being told about the good or service. The choice is still for the customer to decide whether he will buy the product or not (Wasiak, 2010). During the age of the radio and television advertisements, the marketing function gained a lot of popularity (Sheumaker & Wajda, 2009, p. 114). There have been many questions as whether the Internet advertising will have a big impact on the marketing of goods and services as the radio and television advertisement did. Many people still have doubts whether Internet advertising would ever be as popular as radio and television. Perhaps it may never bring a greater impact on the customers as radio and television advertisements have done. This observation can be justified while thinking on the basis of a developing world where Internet access is still a challenge. It should be well understood that Internet access among customers is key for successful marketing. Without Internet connection, the customers will not get critical information about a particular product the customers on the choice of good to buy (Sheumaker & Wajda, 2009, p. 114). Another effect the Internet advertisements have had on the customer is that they have been so successful in the persuasion of a customer to make a first instance purchase of a good or a service. It is so clear that a consumer can opt to buy a good or even a service at the first instance he or she sees the advert on the website. This is so unlike for the bill board advertisements and other forms of advertisements. The customer can see an advert of a commodity on a bill board advert, and decide to come back for the details later. But for the Internet advertising, the customer can choose to buy the product on the first instance he or she sees the advert on the Internet (Sheumaker & Wajda, 2009, p. 116). The problem is whether the customer will come back to another time for the second time to purchase more products. Retention of a customer is one of the motives of a producer or anyone advertising a specific product. It can be difficult for one to retain a customer online, but if, the customer decides to come back or not to (Clemons, 2009). Spending time online is another effect of Internet advertising to a customer. For a loyal customer, he or she must spend most of her entire life on the Internet trying to see and compare the brand types and prices of different goods and services in order to pick the good or service with the best quality at the least cost possible. This is one effect of the Internet advertising that most customers have grown to live with. Spending most time on the Internet has its own disadvantage to the lives of the customers. It really deprives them of time to do other things or activities of their lives. This means that even some very important schedules have to be ignored and one to concentrate on other important matters. A customer is to pick the best alternative, whether to be at the Internet and try to see whatever is being advertised or attend to other social matters. Statistics show that a customer spends 5. 3 percent of his entire life on the Internet (Sheumaker & Wajda, 2009, p. 118). This is not healthy for a normal individual. Internet advertising has made work very easy for many customers and clients in getting very essential services like the booking of flights and even the booking of hotels and lodges. With the Internet advertising, a tourist in America can now book his flight in the house, book his hotel lodge in Africa in his house. This is so unlike what used to happen long time ago when Internet advertising did not exist. Had the Internet advertising not been there, tourists would be forced to reach their destination first before heading to the hotel to book for their accommodation (Wasiak, 2010). Internet advertising has made it very easy for other clients to get services done at the most convenient time possible. This has often saved a lot of time and expenses for the customer he or she could have incurred if the Internet advertising had not been there. The occurrence of Internet advertising is possible due to the fact that there are many goods that are being sold on the Internet and so many services being offered. To create an awareness of the presence of such goods and services, the producers of the sellers of such goods and services must advertise them to their online customers. Conclusion and Recommendations In conclusion, Internet advertisements have taken the storm of all business advertising in the modern world. The contributions of Internet advertising to the customers have widely been appreciated. However, while customers online have gained extensively from the Internet advertisements, there are other negative effects that the Internet advertising has brought to them. Many companies have invested intensively in Internet business advertisements so as to reap the maximum benefits brought by the technology of Internet advertising. However, security threats emanating from malicious attackers and hackers have compromised the smooth development in Internet advertisements and purchases. In some cases, there are different personalities who personify themselves as sellers online and cheat people to rob them of their money. It is not so common but when it happens it is disastrous. Despite all these, many customers have been motivated to buy online. Women most especially who used to be very afraid of using their credit cards online today they are the most leading in number to use the Internet to buy products of their choice. Companies have therefore the responsibility of improving their sites by enhancing them with antivirus software such as McAfee to keep off attackers and make customers to buy and sell online without any fear of being robbed of their money. Generally, Internet advertising has brought a lot of impacts to the customers and the consumers in general. Despite a few cases of the disadvantages of the online advertisement, it has really helped in pushing the marketing sector into higher notches. It has really facilitated trade between continents on a greater perspective as it was never expected before and this has been due to the wider audience that receives the adverts that are being posted on the Internet. Therefore, Internet advertising can be said to have helped many customers in terms of purchases and in many other positive ways.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

African American Outline Essay

It happens to be common knowledge that throughout history African Americans have been oppressed, segregated, and disregarded as civil human beings. In the dawn of history Africans were regarded as animals and as such they would do the job of animals, however this paper will look at their sacrifices and fights to be treated as equals. United States Congress. (1866, April 9). Civil Rights Act. Retrieved from Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (2007)| Abolishment of slavery.    See more: what is essay format    The abolishment of slavery brought on a war, not between two countries but a war that divided a country, one that is still spoken of today. The southern or â€Å"rebel† states rose against the President of the United States in retaliation of his and many others view that no man woman or child should be a slave. All people were created equal. Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (2007)| (13th, 14th, and 15th amendments). Africans in politics. Although four million African American slaves were now free they had codes placed against them, the Black Codes restricted the lives and movement of these people. In order to override the codes the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were drafted and passed. Not only was slavery abolished but all slaves were now citizens and in such race could no longer be used to prevent the vote of a person. Africans now had a voice on who was elected and soon they had African Americans running for government offices. Corbould, C. (2009) Becoming African Americans: Black Public Life in Harlem, 1919-1939 Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA, USA. Harlem Renaissance African Americans soon were cast aside again, during the age of imperialism and leading into World War One Africans were struggling to make a life. Some fought in another war, this time not for their freedom but for the freedom from communism alongside their white counterparts. After the war ended blacks started to come together, the Harlem Renaissance was born. King, M. L. Jr. (2010) Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. Beacon Press. Boston, MA, USA. Black power movement 1954 to 1963 America saw a strong struggle for the advancement of civil rights, equality and desegregation. From every day citizens expressing their belief in being equal to their white counterparts to lawyers fighting for the equality all had deserved. These times were pivitol in an unstable America. Not only were there these movements of civil equality and black power but also a war in a far land that many Americans were against at the time. Inventions and impact. From writers, inventors and powerful leaders throughout black history there are some that are household names and some that may be forgotten. I plan on taking a look back on those who through oppression continued to strive for better for themselves and for all. African Americans today. Not long ago segregation was prominent, civil rights were abused, racism and hate were common. Today we have CEO’s, congressmen and senators, military leaders and the President of the United States who are all African Americans. No longer considered a minority in many’s eyes, African Americans have literally built themselves from slaves to leaders and teachers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Roaring 20s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Roaring 20s - Essay Example The Roaring 20's While the smoking pipes of industries spewed off smoke in the same war-time vigour, the working classes had ever more money to spend. America had begun to think. The press had recently got some serious readers. The war had gifted them to the news papers. Although American casualties in the war were quite low when compared to their European allies and foes; the soldiers came back with a shaken mind: they had recently lost their innocence and could not return to their roots. They yearned for a life in the cities, in fun and frolicking city-life, they had seen in Europe. The industries in Europe and America were facing a slight problem. The war had ended long back and they needed new avenues to apply their engineering skills. They mechanised farms and invented gadgets that gave more free time to American housewives. Consumerism was coming of age. Farm machines such as harvesters and planters had reduced employment opportunities in agriculture. The crop prices like urban wages depended o n market forces without any protection from the state. But in the postwar boom, businesses flourished and the rich were richer beyond their wildest dreams. The only business that Americans were now doing was business. For the first time in history, the new wealth had helped youths enroll in universities. The number of enrollments almost doubled during the 1920s. Americans were now enjoying the world's highest per capita income. ... The telephone, camera and typewriter, all American inventions - were consumed by Americans in tonnes. People fell in love with entertainments. They went to a movie once a week, and had more disposable income with them. The movies were also changing. They provided very little to think. They were entertainers. By the end of the 1920's 100 million movie tickets were sold in the country every week. Actors Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Rudolf Valentino had become 'stars'. Although prohibition was in place, the underground 'speakeasies' were doing brisk business. The night clubs were bulging with young men and women who flaunted new dressing styles, fashion, glamour and all the spoils of wealth. They also took to more daring modes of dress and dance. Dancing, movies, automobile touring, radio and concerts were becoming part of American lives. Many American women had left the farms to join the nation's home-front war duties and turned themselves in to resolutely modern dolls rather tha n a hard working farm-pig. They also received the right to vote in 1920 and had recently involved themselves in politics. They cut thir hair short and wore flappers, boldly spoke their minds and flaunted their newly attained status. Western youths had started to rebel. They were disillusioned by the savagery of war and blamed the older generation for it. The university guys became the new intelligentsia. European works of philosophy and Psychology were sweeping in to American living rooms. Freud and Marx were favourite topics of discussion. The Godless world had come in to being in the American minds. Religion, they believed should be a burden to be relieved. Their creative energy spilled in the form of new music and architecture and art and everything that had not been invented

Thursday, September 26, 2019

1.Argue your opinion as to why people resort to terrorism as a means Essay

1.Argue your opinion as to why people resort to terrorism as a means to achieving their goals - Essay Example This paper will seek to establish the factors that drive people to resort to terrorism as a means of attaining their goals. One reason as to why people can at times choose to resort to terrorism as a means of attain their goals is because as the world continues to become increasingly globalized, economic problems and poverty have often been cited as being a contributing factor that serves to promote terrorism. Terrorists are often driven by a lack of upward mobility and a sense of relative depravation within their societies. The modern media and globalization have served to give poor individuals a rather acute awareness of their situation as compared to those who are well off (Thakur, 153). This is noted to often lead to humiliation, victimization and frustration among the rapidly growing cohorts of uneducated and unemployed urbanized Muslim youth who are able to make comparisons across countries. The glaring economic differences between the Western world and themselves can often serve to infuriate individuals in the underdeveloped countries, a factor which can often have the effect of significantly incr easing hostilities and tension. The development of such situations often allows organizations to gain the much needed attention and easy entry into societies that feel that they have been wronged by these perceived social injustices. A second reason as to why people can at times choose to resort to terrorism as a means of attain their goals is because of video games and mass media. In the essay appearing in an issue of Rolling Stone magazine, John Davidson points out that media video games violence can at times have the effect of causing increased violence among children (Qtd. in Ackley 290a). In the article Davidson highlights the results of a case study in which the results of a survey on 875 third-graders showed that

Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance - Case Study Example The company’s liquidity position was 2 .3 in the year 2008. This means that for every $1 of liability, the company had $2.3. This is an extremely good ratio indicating that the company can easily payoff of it short-term debts without having to suffer any liquidity problems. Similarly, this ratio is close to the ideal current ratio and indicates that cash not lying idle. In the year 2009, this ratio worsened and came down 1.5 indicating that the company has $1.5 of assets to pay off every $1 of liability. The company can still payoff of its debts easily without having to go through much trouble, given that the large portion of current assets is not tied-up in the form of inventory. In the year 2010, the ratio again improved and came at par with the ratio in the year 2008, showing that there will be no liquidity problems in paying off current liabilities. Going deeper into the analysis and checking the Quick Ratio, we can see that like the current ratio it declined in the year 2 009 from 0.8 in 2008 to 0.5 in 2009. However, it again improved in the year 2010 and came to 0.92. However, this ratio remained really bad during the three years indicating that a large chunk of company’s current resources are tied into inventory and they will have problems in clearing its current debts and liquidity problems look imminent. The ratio remained lower the industry average, but since the company’s ratio is more close to the ideal ratio, we can say that the company is managing its resources better than other companies in the same industry. Inventory Turnover is constantly decreasing from what it was in the year 2008. It was 4.8 in the year 2008 and came down to 4.5 in the year 2009 and 3.86 in the year 2010. This shows that the company’s performance is deteriorating. Similarly, it is not performing to well as compared to the industry average which is around.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Historical Value of Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Gogol's Essay

The Historical Value of Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Gogol's Inspector General - Essay Example This essay analyzes the Russian history presented in the â€Å"Fathers and sons† by Turgenev and â€Å"Inspector general† by Gogol, that both have outlined historical issues in Russian society in a similar way. The two books have also been contrasted through the characters, themes and the historical allusions. In the novel â€Å"Fathers and sons,† the author shows the difference between two generations of life. During this time, there were cultural differences between the liberals and the growing nihilist uprising. In the other book, the â€Å"Inspector general,† the author has focused on mistaken identity committed in the Russian society. These two books have common similarities and differences, which have been asserted through the mode of translation, the author’s concerns, the cultural and historical differences especially in history and literature. The researcher of this essay has analyzed how the two different authors tried to bring out their c haracters, which reflect the Russian literature in both content and history. The two authors have tried to bring out the foundation for the Russian literature and it portrayed history of the Russian republic. Turgenev reveals struggles that exist within families in his book since he tries to explain what it means to someone’s child or parent. This novel highlights whereby children are disrespectful and revolt against their families or parents. On the other hand, Gogol laid down the establishment or foundation of the 19th century Russian realism with his book that criticized government injustices.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Real GDP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Real GDP - Coursework Example The overall macroeconomic picture of United Kingdom looks quite bright as the country remained successful in increasing the real GDP growth until 2008 recession which hit the country hard and after almost two decades, the country experienced negative growth in terms of real GDP. Before this recent negative growth rate in GDP, the country in question experienced negative growth in real GDP in 1991 once again due to economic recessionary period. The above chart shows the performance of real GDP of United Kingdom. As it can be seen quite clearly that the country managed a sustainable increase in the real GDP especially experience high growth in the period of 1980-90, but the real GDP showed disappointing results just after 90’s. After the 1993, the country again started to climb highly in terms of real GDP till 2008 recession. Since 2008 recession, the country’s real GDP growth is the slowest in the past 40 years.  Ã‚  Real GDP per capita of United Kingdom has also remai ned increasingly stable even though the population of United Kingdom has also increased. But the country has managed to cover the effect of population increase as well as increased the real GDP alone. In a nutshell, the real GDP per capita of United Kingdom increased in almost in the same manner as that of total real GDP even though the real GDP per capita also incorporated the increasing impact of population. The above chart represents the overall performance of real GDP per capita of United Kingdom. It can be noticed that there are slight downfalls in the curve but the overall curve possesses an increasing trend until the 2008 recessionary period. Since then, the real GDP per capita is on a declining trend mainly due to decrease in the total real GDP supported by the increase in the population. The percentage growth rates for real GDP and real GDP per capita have also been calculated. It can also be observed that growth rate of real GDP has experienced an increasing trend in the p eriod of 1970 – 2009 with the exceptions of initial few year of 70’s, 1991 and lastly 2008. In those mentioned years the macroeconomic growth of United Kingdom remained negative due to the economic depression all around the world. Similar patterns can also be observed with real GDP per capita of United Kingdom in the period in question. Real GDP per capita seems to track its origin i.e. real GDP and followed it almost every year. It can be summarized the United Kingdom has been well above the positive real GDP in the past 40 years which is a good indicator of its overall macroeconomic progress.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysis The lady with the petdog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis The lady with the petdog - Essay Example Their love is under the test of rationality and the lens of morality. Chekhov’s â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog† uses ambiguity, setting, characterization, and realism to suggest that love has no logic, explanation, and morality, but people continue to fight for it because it is the only thing that makes them truly happy. Love has no logic. Chekhov uses ambiguity in language to show that love does not make any sense. Gurov does not find his affairs satisfying in the long run. He just knows that he attracts women enough for them to â€Å"favor† him, including sexually favoring him (Chekhov par.5). These sexual favors are short and sweet, until his heart chooses to favor someone forever. Favor is an ambiguous word, whose final interests are unclear. In the story, favor motivates two married people to prioritize their self-interests, to the risk of breaking the laws of God and man. One more example shows ambiguity. After making love, Anna feels sorry for the affair. Chekhov describes her as a â€Å"Magdalene†¦by an old master† (par.39), perhaps even worse because she is not a prostitute, but she has given her married body to another married person. Her monologue, however, bores Gurov: â€Å"†¦he was irritated by her naive tone, by her repentance, so unexpected and out of place†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chekhov par.36). ... Aside from language, characterization enables Chekhov to demonstrate that people may be opposite in many ways, but love can still bind them. Gurov is old and a self-confessed womanizer, while Anna is young and inexperienced with affairs. They seem an unlikely pair, especially when they have some sense of â€Å"fear† for their spouses (Chekhov par.4). They fear them because they are with them, despite the absence of love. Furthermore, Gurov thinks that there is nothing special about him, while Anna finds him as the best kind of man. For Gurov, he is only an old man â€Å"almost twice her age,† but Anna sees him as â€Å"kind, exceptional, high-minded† (Chekhov par.58). Evidently, love has skewed their assessment of true identities. Their love blinded them of the ability to see each other’s worst faults. One of the greatest sources of the irrationality of their love is its depravity. Their affair is wrong but they want to continue anyway, even when at first, they are unsure of what they have. Anna becomes restless and cannot sleep (Chekhov par.52). These are signs of guilt. They are both married, but they are in love with each other, not their spouses. In addition, they are hesitant of what they have, until Anna leaves Gurov. When Anna sees â€Å"dew on the grass† (Chekhov par.49), it represents something new, the dawn of love. The dew is fresh and refreshing. Their love awakens their old grass. But the dew will evaporate at the light of day. The sun is their morality. Their dew is against this morality, and it is illogical to continue it. They are struggling to hide their love, when they can always end it to conclude their miseries (Chekhov par.52). They feel â€Å"dread† (Chekhov par.52) of being caught, being judged. Why suffer these complications? They

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Global disaster management Essay Example for Free

Global disaster management Essay Disaster management became global; financial resources together with the establishment of several associate and group organizations sprang up. Mass media took up the root with each major and minor disaster reported universally. Disaster tradition were formed and disseminated by the mass media. Until this global agenda was affirmed, environmental issues were still in their infancy and the number of research or consulting organizations focused on disasters was exceptionally small. The concern of disaster research units (mainly university-affiliated) and disaster management units in public administrations only became noticeable in the second half of the century in the late fifties. By the start of new millennium, the number of disaster-related organizations had grown exponentially. The U. S. government alone has no fewer than twenty-six major agencies as well as dozens of regional offices dealing with disasters. There are a further ninety-five specialized units established for contradictory disaster situations. To this can be added eighty U. S. domestic non-govermental organizations (NGOs). This number can be used as a rough suggestion of the same process occurring all through the Western world. The sharing of disaster-related global-based agencies likewise grew, comprising over ninety major public agencies with offices all through the world. This guide of the globalization of disaster management also supported the hold of public administration on the area of disasters. It has also led to interagency divergences and problems of management, as well as protective imperatives, turf wars, and competition (International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, 1996). What was evident at the national or state level-at which public administrations subjugated the definition of disaster, who was capable to be a disaster victim, what help would be afforded, and so on-was now extensive at the global level by other forms of public administration in diverse guises. As some critical reports have noted, the results have been at the similar mediocre levels of disaster management (on a larger scale), where in several cases such â€Å"assistance† was more unfavourable than supportive. The most observable of these have been linked with the droughts in Africa, where NGOs and international aid have in fact harmed more people than they have helped.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chinese One Child Policy

Chinese One Child Policy The one child policy of China has been a topic of discussion among many sociologists and economists for years and has been a very controversial topic since it was first introduced. The policy was first introduced in the year of 1980 and was phased out in 2015. Many people believe this was a good thing and perhaps others would disagree. In this research essay, the one child policy will be discussed. China has been a very controlling country for many years, they have been known to have many communism traits in their political and society. The one child policy which was introduced by China in 1980 shows the characteristic and clear illustration of how it has a vast power on its people and shows how its state power is very widespread. Furthermore, the state is in fact ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC) (Retrieved Nov. 14, 2016, from The Chinese one child policy only allows couples to have one child unless there are certain circumstances which are determined by the government themselves then they might be exempted. (Retrieved Nov 24, 2016, from An example of one of circumstances is families who rely on farming as a source of live or income (Hartmann, B. (1995). Reproductive rights and wrongs: The global politics of population control. Boston, MA: South End Press.). I personally completely disagree with this policy as couples should have the right to conceive as much as they want, at the end of the day it is the way of life. I also disagree with this policy because it causes harm in terms of affecting the normal equality of both sexes in society as there could be a lack of males or females due to this. Also, it causes a lack of the younger generation. Moreover, as much is it people conceiving as many as they want could affec t the economy negatively, this one child policy also affected it negatively. 30 years ago, on September 25, 1980, Chinas one-child policy was formally introduced. In a letter from the Chinese Communist Party. Until that date, the government had strongly supported spreading the knowledge of birth control. But using it voluntarily was encouraged and not enforcing anything. China later enforced the law by keeping a very accurate track on the birth registers and those who had more than one child were made to adopt it. Moreover, couples who conceived more than one child were also given fines and were penalized on a very large scale. In some places the fine was a set amount whereas in others its based on a percentage of the violators annual income. (Perry, E. J., Selden, M. (2000). Chinese society: Change, conflict, and resistance. London: Routledge). People who voluntarily accepted the policy or were exempted from it and still agreed to it were sometimes privileged by being given perks such as free water, electricity, gas or a monthly stipend and other perks. After approximately 400m births being stopped and the population growth becoming far too slow, the one child policy was no longer enforced after 35 years as the Chinese government started to realise the lack of the younger generation was a side effect of this issue (Retrieved Nov. 14, 2016, from It was realised that this policy was doing a lot of unpredicted harm to the people. China is now recovering its population by removing this policy with hope that these side factors will no longer exist. Meirong Liu and her family are just one example of the millions of families that were affected by Chinas one child policy. Liu always wondered while growing up why she never had a sister or a brother. This lack of a sibling eventually made Liu feel very lonely at times and had negative side effects on her. Other people Liu knew where also severely affected by this policy, they had conceived a second child and they lost their jobs because of it; she also claims she knows people who had to get an abortion. To conclude, now that the one policy has been removed it perhaps might be better for China as it is normal to be allowed to conceive as many children as you wish. Hopefully this will sort out the lack of the young generation and cause equality among both sexes. In the years to come I believe China could be back to a proper functional country and have more stability. References: Nprorg. (2016). NPRorg. Retrieved 10 November, 2016, from New Yorker. (2015). The New Yorker. Retrieved 10 November, 2016, from Economist. (2016). The Economist. Retrieved 10 November, 2016, from Hartmann, B. (1995). Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control. :

Friday, September 20, 2019

Secret Recipe Business Plan

Secret Recipe Business Plan Secret Recipe, Dubai, UAE will be a franchise of catering company called Secret Recipe owned by ALAMERI Group. The business is in food services industry and has successfully established its brand name in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Philippines, Pakistan, Brunei, and Australia by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service. The purpose for this business plan is to provide a written guide for managing the franchise of Secret Recipe, Dubai, UAE and seek financing from relevant institution and investors by providing detailed funding business plan. This franchise of secret recipe will be owned by Taleb AlAmeri and will be primarily involved in the provision of variety fresh food products such as cheese, chocolate and fresh, cream cakes, health cakes and brownies. The business mission statement is to be solution oriented innovatively and the vision is to be one of the leading telecommunication companies in Africa. The objective of the company is to provide job opportunities youths, generate income for owners and to give 10% of the revenue back to the community. The fundamentals of this business success rest with the capacity to deliver value to the customer at competitive prices (Ajami, Cool Goddard, 2006).With the background knowledge of stiff competition in the food industry within Dubai, this franchise aims at attracting and retaining its customer through the provision of fine quality food products and distinctive service. In addition to the above, the fundamentals of this business will encapsulate best demonstration of ethical practice within both the internal and external environment. This is because of the backdrop knowledge of the stringent measures and legislations that govern the food industry. The food industry is expected to grow in the near and innovative approaches to food service and delivery will define success within this industry. Changing consumer demographics and increasingly complicated customers are pushing food service businesses to the drawing boards (Toyne Nigh, 1999). The success of this franchise will depend on the capacity to create a powerful market niche that cannot be broken. General Company Description What makes the business very unique is the realization that businesses and consumers are increasingly demanding more leading edge in service and product delivery in the most efficient, time saving and reliable way (Hill, 2008). The Secret Recipe situated at Dubai Mall, UAE a franchise of Secret Recipes will be primarily involved in the provision of fine quality cakes and fusion food. This will encompass the provision of more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavorful range of ice cream and beverages. Mission statement: To provide world class food services to the customer. Vision: To become a leading provider in fine quality cakes and fusion food. The company will offer value addition services innovatively using the existing technology for reliability and efficiency. With a powerful website to be developed, the customers will be able to sample and purchase their preferred choice of quality fine cakes and fusion foods online. The website will be used to advertise and sell the products and services offered by the company. Company Goals and Objectives Goals To have the franchise operating exactly three months after receiving adequate funding. Obtain $ 200,000 of capital by 31st December 2010 to staff and launch the business towards achieving its long term goals. To attain the stated year goal of recruiting employees by the beginning of the year 2011. Objectives Achieve excellent levels of high ethical standards within the food industry. Have a healthy, successful company that is a leader in customer service and that has a loyal customer following. Achieve a sales target of $20,000 within the first three months of the operation. Business Philosophy: The most important aspect of this business is to provide value to the customer through distinctive service and in a manner that guarantees their return. The more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavorful range of ice cream and beverages will be sold to all customers of different backgrounds in United Arabs Emirates. However, I envisage to draw the larger bulk of my customer base from the residents of Dubai City. Because of the increasing innovative marketing approaches, the marketing strategy will strive to reach customers of diverse backgrounds and will then be narrowed down to touch on the specific market niche. Food industry is a growth industry that has leaped from one phase to the other and is expected to record tremendous growth in the future. Changes that will arise in the future will mainly be in regard to changing demographics and the complexity in the demands of the customer. This will also include changes in technology that will define the operations and customer service delivery (Singh Delios, 2005). My company will stay in tandem with the changes in the food industry and at pace with technological advancement to reap the most out of the benefits presented by these two growth scenarios. My greatest strength and competency that will also be my competitive advantage is the unrivalled experience in the food industry and chain management. As the owner of this franchise, I plan to put in an aggressive and innovative marketing campaign within this industry that will immediately smoke away competition and enhance my entry and strong regional presence in Dubai. I strongly believe my competitors strength will be based on tears of operation that have made them acquire a deeper sense of understanding of the customer. In fact, after an intensive research on the competitors strengths and weaknesses, the company realized that the competitors strengths are based on the experience, location, advertisement, employee, technology, financial, political connection and goodwill. I plan to plough in my vast experience in management within the food industry to his business and ensure its survival. In addition to the above, my capacity to raise capital that will cover important business start-up areas will provide me a competitive advantage against my competitors who has struggling with waning confidence in small and medium sized entrepreneurs by banks. Furthermore, I expect to reap from the efforts of the main company in regards to brand and image building. This will be a sole proprietorship type of business. This is because I believe the inability to raise adequate capital forms the reason behind enlargement and partnerships. Capital is not a problem in my case. Furthermore, sole proprietorship offers the best and simplest environment in regard to decision making (Cherunilam, 2004). I plan to execute my decisions and discharge my duties within this business without any opposition and inhibition. Products and Services This will be an entirely food business that will only deal with the products of the mother company. I will sell the more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavorful range of ice cream and beverages offered in allÂÂ  Secret RecipeÂÂ  outlets. After an intensive research on the competitors strengths and weaknesses, the company realized that the competitors strengths are based on the experience, location, advertisement, employee, technology, financial, political connection and goodwill. These will form the areas that will define my competitive disadvantages. As a new franchise, I plan to get into the market at a slightly reduced sales fee in comparison to my competitors. This will form the introductory offer of the business that is aimed at drawing the customer to the business. Marketing Plan My marketing ill revolve around the need to adapt my brands to meet local and regional culture because of the understanding that branding act as a means of linking items that are part of product line and emphasizes the individuality of product items. This emphasis can only be achieved in instances where products items fit into the local or regional culture of the target market. This is a food industry and therefore I expect very little conflict with the culture of the people in Dubai. In addition to the above, the adapting of these brands to fit into the local and regional culture of the target market is a competitive advantage that is commonly used by competing firms engaged in the sale of similar or substitute products. In essence, this means that a firm that outperforms the others in the primary goal of performance-profitability-has competitive advantage. A reference back to the branding generic model of firms can be made, where the question of whether firms are branding strategies is cost driven or value added arises. Value added competitive advantage arises in instances where competing firms attach strong cognizance to the understanding of local or regional culture before launching their product lines. Companies succeed in branding strategies that their rival because their products are positioned to capitalize on their unique characteristics of a local or regional group and which, in one or more aspects, their rivals find hard to emulate. This competitive adv antage gives it a basis for outperforming competitors because of the value that firms are able to present to the customer. These will define my marketing plan. Management and Organization As I have stated, the day to day management of the business will be my primary duty with the support of other individuals that will form part of employees in the company. The procedure of running the business will be through delegation as per the chain of current bellow DIRECTORS CEOs SENIOR MANAGER FINANCE MANAGER ASSISTANT AGENTS WATCHMEN HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGER The managers and the staff are very important for the company as they are the means through which goals are realized, duties are carried out and they provide the links between the organization and the clients. 5.2 Management team The initial management team consists of the founders who will be working jointly as shareholders. The founders of the company share a vision for the success of Secret Recipe Franchise situated in Dubai, UAE. Their duty will involve day to day running of the business which involves finance, logistics and human resource. In future the company will have a general manager, finance manager and human resource manager who must have a degree or diploma with the relevant course from a recognized University or College. 5.3 Other personnel Apart from the management team, the company is having three (3) supervisors at the head office and one (1) assistant supervisor in every department. The company is planning to employ watchmen, office messenger and more assistant agents as we will be expanding. These personnel have and will have minimum qualification of O level education and diverse knowledge in the food industry. 5.4 Recruitment The management team has been able to recruit other personnel through networking and train them within the already existing outlets before they are posted to the new outlets. The business will also consider advertising through posters, internal memo, friends and relatives, internet, electronic media like radio and printed media like newspapers. The recruitment process will involve short-listing of the applicants, interviewing of the shortlisted applicants, selection of the successful applicants and finally issuing the appointment letter. We will also recruit through confirmation of the interns and the volunteers. 5.5 Orientation, training and developing of staff Secret Recipe Franchise Company will carry out orientation, training and development of staff through induction, on the job training, contract training, refresher courses, internship and evaluation after training. The company is looking forward to become custodians of a very fragile yet integral good: customer trust, therefore the company will maintain refresher courses to ensure all our staffs are properly aligned when it comes to personal integrity. 5.6 Remuneration/incentives 5.6.1 Salaries/wages The company will offer to the personnel a very competitive basic salary according to the qualification, experience, position and expertise. The salary will also be based on what the competitors offer and the companys returns. There will be a commission for the sales personnel and prompt payment for wages. 5.6.2 Fringe benefits Incentive is also another factor that the company has put at the top of priorities. Incentives will enable, motivate or encourage a particular course of action which in turn will contribute to the company success. We will offer allowances in terms of overtime, leave, millage, hardship and many more as they may arise. There will be bonuses including awards in terms of value for money and certificates. Currently the company provides tea, soft drink and has installed a television system. The business will soon embark on taking our staff to the trips, have insurance cover for them and remit contributions on their behalf to their respective insurance companies. 5.7 Support services The company will require the following support services; financial advisor, legal advisor, banking system, security support services, infrastructure and insurance services. 9. FINANCIAL PLAN The company has at its disposal a sum total of $20,000 as a financial source from directors personal savings. We are therefore looking for funding from other investors and banks. The business finance will be used to for the facilities, equipments, materials, cash for operating expenses and salaries, fees and other costs. 9.1 Capitalization 9.1.1 Own contribution Capitalization based on the shareholders contributions is $20,000. 9.1.2 Proposed funds from borrowing sources For the business to operate as proposed, the start-up cost must be met. The company is therefore proposing funds from borrowing sources of $ 20, 000 9.1.3 Total investment Total investment is the sum of own contribution and the proposed funds from borrowing sources which is $40,000. The following sections lay out the details of the financial plan for rapid, but controlled growth for the next one year. The simple structure to be adopted by the company will provide a great deal of flexibility resulting in few coordination problems hence quick reaction to changes in the market. 9.7 Measurement of profitability 9.7.1 Operating profit margin Operating profit margin = (operating profit/Revenue) x100 First year: Operating profit margin = (1,400/101,500) x 100 = 1.38% Second year: Operating profit margin = (4,730/131,950) x 100 = 3.58% Third year: Operating profit margin = (22,009/171,530) x 100 = 12.83% 9.7.2 Current Ratio Current Ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities Projected Current Ratio by the end December 31, 2011 = 21,000/11,200 = 1.875 9.7.3 Return On Investment (ROI) Return On Investment (ROI) = Net Profit/Investment Return On Investment (ROI) for the ended December 31, 2010 = 1400/23,000 = 0.06

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Love in A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay -- Midsummer Nights Dream

The Power of Love in A Midsummer Night's Dream Is love controlled by human beings who love one another or is love controlled by a higher power? There are many people who believe that a higher power has control over love. An example of a higher power would be a cupid, a flying angel-type creature who is supposed to shoot arrows at people to make them fall in love. There are other people who reject the idea that a higher power controls love and that the people who experience love can control it. In the novel, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", by William Shakespeare, several examples of love's association with a higher power are presented. With the use of examples from the above novel, this essay will discuss the evidence that love is associated with a higher power. Examples like: Thesius arranging a marriage between himself and Hippolyta, Egeus choosing who Hermia should marry and the fairies who have the ability to control love in the Enchanted Forest. In the story, the supreme ruler of Athens, Thesius ends up marrying Hippolyta, the Queen of the Jungle. However, during the whole story, Hippolyta never throughly discusses her feelings and ideas about the marriage. She acts as if she has no choice but to marry Thesius. This can be proven by examining Hippolyta's position in the relationship between herself and Thesius. Hippolyta was captured by Thesius during battle and Thesius intimidates Hippolyta into marrying him since he is a supreme ruler and she was defeated by him. Thesius reveals that he capture Hippolyta in battle in the following quote, "I wood thee by my sword/ And won thy love doing thee injuries" (Act I, Pg 7). The above quote and the fact that Hippolyta never discusses her feelings about the wedding leads the re... ...elings of love in people. This proves that a higher power can control the feelings of love in people. In conclusion, all of the above paragraphs dealt with examples proving that love can be associated to a higher power. A higher power in definition is any being or group of beings that have direct control over the actions of another being. Two of the examples showed how a higher power can control love and one of the examples showed how love can defy a higher power and prevail. In any case, it has been proven that a higher power does exist when dealing with love. Many people have wondered what love really is and how love develops between people. Even if love isn't associated with a higher power in life, it is a strange phenomenon and so far the association of love with a higher powers is a valid suggestion as it was proven in the story, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Argumentative Essay: All Handguns MUST Be Banned :: Gun Control Essays

All handguns must be banned because they are the cause (s) of many deaths amongst the people of the world today. Gun violence result in fifty percent of today’s tragedies. Handguns causes too many deaths, the government need to make gun less accessible, and the law/law enforcement need to really enforce the laws they make. First, and foremost many handguns have claimed the lives of too many people. This is a very serious issue we must tackle globally not just in the United States. The same problem is killing our past, present, and future. Gun violence has claimed the lives of so many Americans that we are the leading country in crimes committed by guns. These guns are claiming the lives of people ranging from babies to adults to even the elderly. Handguns are just causing too many deaths. Second, if handguns or guns in general weren’t that accessible and it wasn’t that easy to get a hold of one most of this senseless violence would not occur. I believe that if the proper laws go in effect we would have fewer criminals. In addition to those laws we need to be sure proper authorities enforce them. The lawmakers of today make laws and they don’t think about the decisions they make from both perspectives. They may say it’s all right to own a handgun but they may have different intentions than the user has on how and why they need one. The owner may need one for their protection but the lawmaker may think it’s for hunting or something other than it causing violence. To ensure these guns are not being used for violence the law needs to make a set of rules and regulations on the conditions of guns. How to use them/abuse them need to be the number one law. It should state guns are not intended to be used for violence of no kind. The law need to enforce the laws they make to ensure proper safety it would eliminate half of the gun violence. On a personal note I lost a cousin to gun violence. I really can’t say at first I blamed "the gun" but I blamed the person. When I thought about it I has to ask certain questions like†¦ how did this guy get the gun any how?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How did World War II Affect Women on Tennessee Essay

World War II saw the coming of commercialization and technology advancement in Tennessee. Aviation companies, dams and power plants were built to suffice the needs of the war. Because of such, it undeniably and consequently helped to increase the economy of the state making it one of the most promising Southern states during that time. Of course, with so much activity, it also affected the culture and history of the place. It contributed a lot to American history but we cannot take for granted the roles of women played during this time. But before the war happened, particularly in 1939, an aviation company called Aviation Corporation constructed an airplane factory adjoining Nashville Airport. Two years later, when war broke out, the factory that originally develop and builds civilian planes immediately extended into making warplanes. By 1943, more than 7,000 people worked at and for the company. Majority of the employees moved to Nashville and never left. But, the rather surprising part of this event is that most of the workers for the plant were composed of women (Kids). At the end of the war, approximately 33% of the Tennessee workforce is composed of women. Because majority of the workforce during that time was composed of women, it particularly affected how they lived their life. With the great impact that the war imposed on women, they became more focused on their work. Moreover, they became highly specialized workers in the field of aircraft making. Because of such, little improvement and development was done on families. Their family lives did not become the focus of their lives, instead, they concentrated o their work. Tennessee then became a state of women workers rather than family women. In short, their jobs and careers became their top priority. If ever there was an attention given to their respective families, it can be inferred that it was little. Consequently, with the rage on military service and employment, most of women that were needed in the air force division of the military were to discharge male pilots for strategic and warfare flight duty (Stewart-Smith). Nonetheless, it did not diminish any eagerness for the female pilots. In lieu of the airplane and warplane industry, one rich girl from Tennessee made a very daring contribution in their history. Her name is Cornelia Fort. She became tired of being rich that is why; she decided to be a pilot and served during the wartime. She died in a mid-air collision in 1943 (Kids). Perhaps, she became very influential for the women of Tennessee during this time. She became an inspiration for a lot of women. Perhaps the greatest contribution of the women of Tennessee during World War II is the fact the majority of its workforce is composed of women that exactly during those times were perceived as a work that is rather stated for men. Somehow, they managed to get out of the perception that women are just wives. They have regarded themselves as a great contributor to the workforce. Works Cited: Kids, Tennessee History for. â€Å"Part Four: The Great Depression and World War Ii. † 2006. Stewart-Smith, Natalie J. â€Å"Perspectives of the Women Pilot. † (1998). November 3, 2007 .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Introduction to Computer Application & Systems Essay

Introduction to Computer Application & Systems March 6, 2012 Dr. Xuan Yu ? Technology has gone from the days of the pony express to advancing at a rate of a mile a minute to now evolving to what seems like the speed of light or faster. With such a fast paced environment of change in technology, policies and laws must adapt to be compatible to those advancements in order to provide the best method to govern the laws and policies and protect its people. This paper will explore how technological advancements have influenced crucial changes in two essential policies: the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA). The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, an extension of the Federal Wiretap Statute, was endorsed in 1986 (Justice Information Sharing, 2010). This was a necessary implementation with how technology was diversifying ways to communicate and share information. In order to oversee and safeguard technological advancements such as email, cordless and cell phone communications, and electronically stored data the federal government had to amend and sometimes put into operation new policies. These policies, like the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, minimize many ethical issues that came along with the development of these advancements. As technology experimented with ideals such as wireless connection, it gave way to many unethical and at times illegal practices. Ethical issues that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act had to address included accessibility and privacy; information could be shared outside the confinement of a person’s home or business. The government needed to find a way that would control and guard how this information was access, collected and stored. Implementing the Electronic Communications Privacy Act allowed government officials to include devices outside the scope of the Federal Wiretap Statute. Eight years before the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, financial businesses latched on to this idea of transferring information which cause governmental official to step in and implement the Electronic Funds Transfer Act. This ct is intended to protect people who engage in transferring and sharing private financial information such as bank account numbers and personal information through devices such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and point-of-sale terminals

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How does Stevenson describe Edward Hyde and what are the effects for the reader? Essay

Stevenson’s consistency in this book is non-existent. In fact, it is constantly inconsistent. The character Hyde is never fully described in the book of â€Å"The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†, but the details Stevenson give about Hyde are repeated frequently. The most obvious feature that the reader would like to hear about is Hyde’s face. Stevenson on many occasions disappoints the reader by giving a close focus but never completing it. Bring the reader close, and then ripping it from them. Although the face of Hyde is always kept hidden from us, the stature is not. In the first paragraph of the book, Hyde is described by Enfield as, ‘Some damned Juggernaut’. He is also told to have ‘trampled calmly’. This is odd, as it is contradicting itself. This may have been a ploy by the author to confuse the reader. Stevenson wants to leave the imagination of the reader to wild, to let the reader think for himself. Another example of contradiction in the book is how Hyde is described as both small and as a Juggernaut. Hyde is also described as ‘displeasing, something downright detestable’, ‘He must be deformed somewhere’. On several occasions Hyde is described as being animal/ non-human being like. ‘This was more of a dwarf’, ‘ that masked thing like a monkey jumped’, ‘cry out like a rat’, ‘like some damned Juggernaut’, ‘really like Satan’. This could be Stevenson’s way of telling us that Hyde is not human but purely evil. Trying to hint to us, the reader, something. This obscure appearance makes other people in the book have an immediate hate for Hyde. The doctor who was tending to the girl Hyde had trampled over, whenever he looked at Hyde, wanted to kill him. The doctor had been nicknamed ‘sawbones’ for being so unemotional. The eyes of the family of the girl were filled with hate. There is also a lot of surprise in the book. For example, when Jekyll goes to bed and wakes up finding himself as Hyde, this is the point in the book where we know that he can’t control his transfiguration. He also wakes up with a hairy hand. This is the first time that Hyde is described to us as having a hairy complexion, which also proves the point that Stevenson is constantly surprising the reader with new descriptions. Another point on the surprise and inconsistency point is the fact that Hyde’s/ Jekyll’s character seems to change quite randomly, like in mid-conversation. Talking to Utterson, at first he is shy, but then rapidly becomes more confident. Also, when Hyde is called back after trampling the girl, he seems to be incredibly calm, although he is surrounded by a bunch of hatful people, who could have quite easily reported him to the police. This personality change portrays the theme of the book of split personalities.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Jesse Jame

Jesse James Paige Riley College Prep English Ms. Engel Works Cited 1881, with authorities growing suspicious, Jesse rented a house in Saint Joseph, and Missouri. â€Å"Jesse James – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. † Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. <http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jesse_James â€Å"Jesse James Biography. † Biography Base Home. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <http://www. biographybase. com/biography/james_jesse. html>. Bio True Story Jesse James Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story – Biography. om . † Bio True Story Famous Biographies & TV Shows – Biography. com . N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <http://www. biography. com/people/jesse-james-9352646>. Green, Carl R. , and William R. Sanford. Jesse James. Hillside, N. J. , U. S. A. : Enslow Publishers, 1992. Print. Triplett, Frank, Joseph W. Snell, and Jerry Valez. The life, times and treacherous death of Jess e James. Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1970. Print. Stiles, T. J.. Jesse James: last rebel of the Civil War. New York: A. A. Knopf, 2002. Print. Jesse JamesThesis: Jesse James was definitely a rebel of his time. He was an adventurous outlaw who wasn’t scared to give the law a run for their money. Outline: I. Frank and Jesse a. Who they were b. What caused their rebellion acts II. Rebellions c. What caused them d. Who helped them Riley 1 Jesse James was the living and his younger brother, Frank were always partners in crime. The brothers got themselves in trouble on a regular basis. Running from the law was a typical thing for the James brothers. Jesse and Frank James always seemed to take the law into their own hands.The actual date Jesse James became famous is known to be December 7th, 1869. *DOC* Jesse James was definitely a rebel of his time. He was an adventurous outlaw who wasn’t scared to give the law a run for their money. Jesse killed eight men in a one day once. After the war, he returned to his home and was the leader of one of history's most notorious outlaw gangs. He was hurt while surrendering at the end of the war, and later said he had been forced into becoming an outlaw because his family had been punished for nothing in the war. The brothers were surprisingly liked all over the US.People looked at the James brothers as a type of ‘Robin Hood’ taking from the rich and giving to the poor, even though there was no real evidence to prove they did. They started robbing banks and trains, quickly spreading their popularity throughout the nation. The James gang was the most feared outlaw gang in history. There are reports that say the gang was estimated to of stolen around $200,000 from all of the bank robberies. Jesse was a very violent man. If he suspected someone to be an enemy, he would kill them right on the spot.Jesse was once reported to be getting change for a $100 bill once and shot a man in the heart because he though t the man was responsible for killing Bloody Bill. *DOC*3 Despite their criminal and often violent acts, James and his partners were much adored. Journalists were almost always excited to sell stories people of the East with tales of a wild West, exaggerated and romanticized the gang's adventures, often making James as a Robin Hood. James did mess Riley 2 with railroad workers who took private land for the railways. The gang was always a hot topic in newspapers everywhere.People feared Jesse James but at the same time he was known as a respected legendary rebel. James married his cousin in 1847. As feared as they were, the James brothers were both known as loving husbands and a good family man. Jesse and his cousin had two children. Jesse had plenty of money and a loving family yet he still continued his life of crime. Some people say Jesse had a â€Å"Love affair with crime† *DOC* band he just couldn’t stop because of the thrill it gave him. James and his famous gang robbed their way across the Western Frontier.They focused on robbing stagecoaches, banks, trains, and even stores. Out of all of the rebellious things Jesse did, he must have been very good at what he did considering he was never captured while doing them. In 1873 the James gang robbed a train, stealing over $3,000 which is equivalent to over $60,000 today. They tried to throw off people by wearing white masks, pretending they were from the Ku Klux Klan. This robbery made James the most famous of the former Guerillas. To show a symbol of threatening centralization the brothers derailed the Rock Island train in Adair, Iowa.Of all the train robberies the James Gang was responsible for they never were reported of stealing from the passengers. Even though they were feared outlaws the gang was surprisingly adored. Journalists and writers were always anxious to interview the gang members, especially Jesse James. The gang wasn’t afraid to go out in public and show themselves. Not st ealing from the passengers is where the Riley 3 idea of Jesse being a â€Å"Robin Hood† because he stole from the train itself, not the innocent people. The downfall of the gang began in September 1876 when they attempted to rob the First National Bank in Minnesota.After a manhunt and the robbery only Frank and James were left un caught and alive. Many of the gang members had been drinking before the robbery and this is what caused the robbery to fail. Two of the gang members were guarding the doors of the bank and this made the citizens suspicious. The cops were soon called and a manhunt began killing and capturing all but Frank and Jesse. After this tragic event Jesse had to recruit people to help him rob the Platte bank which was his last known robbing. *DOC* The James brothers were mostly involved in their gang for a ten year period from 1866 to 1876. DOC* 1 The James brothers were always moving around, avoiding the law. With his brother Frank James and other ex-Confedera tes, with Cole Younger and his brothers, the James gang robbed their way across the Western frontier aiming towards banks, trains, stagecoaches, and stores from Iowa to Texas. Escaping and hiding from even the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, the gang got away with thousands of dollars. James is believed to have carried out the first daylight bank robbery stealing over $60,000 from a bank in Liberty, Missouri.The community always protected them but they were still always on the move. Jesse and Frank planned to do one more robbery alongside Charlie and Bob Ford. Little did the brothers know that the Governor had offered a reward so big that it made the Ford’s turn their backs on the James brothers. Riley 4 On April 3rd, 1882 *DOC* 3 Bob and Jesse were talking a crooked picture on the wall in Jesse’s house. When Jesse turned to straighten the picture Bob shot him in the back of the head, immediately killing Jesse James. The shooting of Jesse caused quite the uproar i n Missouri.The community considered it â€Å"a cowardly assassination† and they were â€Å"outraged at the method used†. *DOC* 3 Frank James soon turned himself in to the police after the death of his beloved brother and partner in crime. The juries did not convict Frank of any of the crimes he was apart of and so Frank walked as a free man. After the tragic death of Jesse James the Ford brothers were hated by everyone. They were known as cowards and traitors. Frank and James had been friends with the Ford brothers for a long time and it was not expected of Bob to shoot Jesse.Bob Ford collected the $10,000 reward for the capture of Jesse James after the murder. The Ford brothers were sentenced to hang for the murder, even though there was a reward for the capture of Jesse before they killed him. The governor of Missouri pardoned the Ford brothers and gave them no punishment for the death of Jesse. Some people say the death of Jesse James was all a hoax and Jesse lived many years after his faked death. It was reported Jesse James ended up living to the age of 103, which was very old, especially back in the 1900s.Ford never admitted to killing James and this left suspicion among the people and Jesse’s loved ones. Many years after the burial of Jesse James the body was tested and it was over 99% likely to be the real Mr. James. The body of the man suspected to be the real Jesse was supposed to be tested at the same time but the bodies were switched and it never did Riley 5 get tested. Even after all of the murders and crimes Jesse James was a part of he died a feared but respected man. He truly was the living definition of a rebellious outlaw!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Essay - 2

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) - Essay Example This paper studies the ITIL framework and comes to the conclusion that this body of knowledge is extremely useful for all organizations in the above mentioned areas. Introduction: The role of information technology (IT) in today’s world is of extreme importance for the smooth running of businesses and other organizations. It can be said the there is practically no field that is not touched by IT, whether it is in manufacturing, services, defense, and even governance. The main reasons for this heavy dependence on this technology are the complexity of operations and also due to the adaptability of IT systems in fitting into every conceivable area of activity. In such a scenario, it was seen as a necessity to standardize IT management concepts and also to formulate a set of best practices that can serve as a comprehensive guideline to IT based organizations. In the UK, this concept was materialized by the formation of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) during the 1980s. Many governments and organizations around the world have now accepted the guidelines as industry standard over the years. The purpose of this study is to establish wh ether ITIL provides the best practice guidelines for IT service management. The three points that will be used to establish the above is given here. The first is that the ITIL does provide comprehensive guidelines and framework for efficient information technology management. The second point is that the program can be incorporated into an IT management system either in its entirety or in part. The third point is that the program can be customized to suit the requirements of each individual organization. Comprehensive guidelines and ITIL: In order to understand whether the Library does provide comprehensive guidelines it is necessary to have a detailed overview of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

History of the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of the USA - Essay Example The search discusses the four types of American ethnic relations levels. Fulfilling the promise to make all men equal is trending on the correct road towards realization. Jefferson’s making a promise in his Declaration of Independence. In 1776, President Thomas Jefferson uses the philosophical teachings of John Locke as the foundation for his declaration of independence where President Jefferson promised to exert efforts to make all men equal. However, the makers of the United States Constitution preferred that only the White Americans who owned lands could vote (Ciment 1). On the other hand, President Jefferson emphasized that the people must be granted their inalienable rights. The rights include the right to live, liberty, and right to seek one’s happiness. Further, John Locke’s Two Treatise on Government, published in 1690, reiterated that the people had the inalienable (natural) rights to property, liberty, as well as life. Consequently, John Locke insisted that the government must do its best to protect the people’s rights from being abused. However, President Jefferson replaced John Locke’s property right to happiness right. The declaration of independence mentioned that the King George III Britain government had deprived the people their rights, triggering a fight for independence from Britain (Bardes 35). However, the conservatives of American society limited and modified the political system. Jefferson’s differential political government emphasized that the majority of the Americans will not enter the political picture. The conservatives only allowed the wealthy and the educated elite members of society to engage in political decisions and other government exercises (Garry 54). Further, Alexei reiterated that the local American Indian Art culture was slowly being overrun by the imposed White American colonizer’s imported art culture. The Indians were forced to incorporate the White American’s art culture into the American Indian’s local art culture. The Western style paintings triggered the death of the local art forms (Dawn 256). Furthermore, the leader of the women’s group, Stanton, copied the President Jefferson’s declaration of Independence as basis for drawing up the women group’s demands to exercise the right to vote and gender equality. The women called the document, Declaration of Sentiments. The voting process during Stanton’s time only allowed the male citizens to vote. Five women spearheaded the signing and advertisement of the women group’s declaration in the July 14, 1848 issue of the Seneca Newspaper. The five women held the women’s July 19 and July 20 convention. The convention focused on forcing the government to allow the women population to vote (Burgan45). George Frederickson’s Ethnic Relations In terms of ethic relations, George Frederickson (638) insists that the best model of American ethnic relat ions is cultural pluralism model. The model accepts the cultural diversity of the different races. For example, the United States court stated (Meyer vs. Nebraska [262 U.S. 390]) that the German Community can use the German bible in their elementary school (Norgren & Nanda 68). The model allows the individuals to freely build and rebuild their own diverse cultures (Loury, Modood, & Teles 133). On the other hand, the assimilation model indicates the non-whites are forced to accept and implement the culture of the White Americans (Frederickson 635). Under the One Way Assimilation model, the ethnic groups are required to conform or follow the cultural acts and non-acts of the White Americans. Consequently, the model dictates that the non-White Americans’ cultures are inferior to the White Americans’ culture. Consequently, the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fear of Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fear of Islam - Research Paper Example Islam is perhaps the most misunderstood major religion in the world today.   As a Muslim, this student has experienced this truth on numerous occasions.   Because of media propaganda and rumors circulating around the world, Muslims are seen as terrorists and a people who promote and condone violence.   Many believe, in fact, that these are central tenants contained in their holy book, the Quran.   Because of this, Muslims worldwide have spent many years trying to help the world understand their true faith and identity. It is true that there are some ‘bad apples’ that advance their terrorist causes in the name of Islam.   This student is certainly not condoning their actions.   In fact, few Muslims condone the actions of terrorism.   It must be pointed out, however, that Islam is not the only religion that has committed acts of violence on people of other faiths.   Yet, these events seem to be washed over and the Islamic faith receives much of the bad pres s in global media today.   It is out of this press coverage that people have begun to have an outright fear of Islam.    Moustafa Bayoumi recently remarked that â€Å"every group has it loonies. And yet the idea that American Muslim communities are foul nests of hatred, where dark-skinned men plot Arabic violence persists† (11).   It begs the question as to why people are so afraid of Islam.   It seems that many in the West perceive every Muslim to be a potential terrorist. The fear is so strong in some localities that the mentioning of Islam is not permitted in certain locations. The state of Texas, for example, recently decided that reading about Islam in the classroom was not permitted because it did not constitute education, but rather was indoctrination (Bayoumi 12). This kind of attitude on the part of adults will only serve to further widen the divide of children in terms of their perception of Muslim. Finally, research and common opinions about the root of the fear of Islam appears to stem from an ‘us against them’ mentality. If you do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for example, then you are a supporter or Islamic terrorists. The perception should not be that wars are fought over religion, but that is exactly what is taking place in modern society. If you support and allow a mosque to be built in your community, you are with them, not us. This kind of attitude, on both sides, has created a fear that exists in the heart of Muslim and non-Muslims alike. Farhad Dalal recently commented that â€Å"Ironically both the neo-conservatives and fundamentalist Islamists are in agreement that what is occurring in the world today is indeed a clash of civilizations, and that it is a continuation of a Holy War†

One page commentary on a poem by Pablo Neruda Essay

One page commentary on a poem by Pablo Neruda - Essay Example ld view and into their daily lives, the author makes the comparison that regardless of what approach or what particular viewpoint the individual has, they will all arrive at â€Å"rivers end† together. This type of analogy helps the reader to understand that no matter the different world view espoused by the person in question, the fact of the matter is that regardless of viewpoint espoused or particular means of knowledge acquisition, we all have to share the same planet and death ultimate takes us all (Neruda 1). Such an understanding is of course not terribly deep in and of itself; however, the fact of the matter that the writer of the poem is attempting to grip the reader with is that the great diversity of thought, understanding, and worldview that exists currently should not be seen as a point of division among the many people groups, tribes, ethnicities or political parties of the world but rather as an identification of a type of oneness that exists under the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Employee Reward Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employee Reward - Essay Example People or the organization’s human resources are a very integral part of the organization. They operate and run the machinery and carry out the roles that the machines can not do. The people are even more important when it comes to the built environment since the nature of the work is manual and the people directly offer services to the clients. People are a core resource in every organization.It is always important to fully understand these people and more so get to know how well they are able to interact with the organizational structures in totality. This is a very important aspect and highly contributes to the success of the organization. Watson, Tony J. (1994).This process of understanding the people in the organization is able to explain best the relationship that exists between the organization and its people in a building environment.Understanding the people is important as it is able to unearth the social and managerial functions that may affect the behaviour and the attitudes of the people working in the organization. This in turn may affect the performance as well as the effectiveness of the organization, Willcocks, Leslie and Jenny Harrow (1992). Understanding the people helps in exploring the on the most effective ways of improving the organizational effectiveness and performance.The principles of management are of importance to my profession because they lay the guidelines to successful management. This is very applicable to both the managerial and technical professions.... This in turn may affect the performance as well as the effectiveness of the organization, Willcocks, Leslie and Jenny Harrow (1992). Understanding the people helps in exploring the on the most effective ways of improving the organizational effectiveness and performance. 3.0 Organizational management principles The principles of management are of importance to my profession because they lay the guidelines to successful management. Waterhouse, Mike and Geoff, C., (1995): The fourteen principles highlight the guidelines that managers need to follow in their actions and decision making process. These include; 1. The division of work; When people in the organization specialize in particular areas, they create specific professional and personal development within the workforce and this increases productivity. Specialization is known to enhance efficiency of labour. This is very applicable to both the managerial and technical professions. 2. Centralization; This is concentrating the power and authority of decision making in the hands of the top management. The opposite is decentralization. The corporation should try to balance between the two. 3. Presence of unity of command; All the subordinates in the organization should take their orders from one person and in addition be answerable to just one supervisor. This reduces the likelihood of occurrence of conflict and confusion among the various professionals. 4. Initiative; This is one of the areas where the organization can build its strengths. This is because it is a source of innovation and better ideas. 5. Discipline; In order for the organization to function and operate smoothly, all the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Child Protection Level Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Child Protection Level - Essay Example Majority of the present health care professionals in Britain have level one and two training, but they lack level three training. The absence of level three training prevent the healthcare professionals from either identifying the child abuse or reporting it to the appropriate bodies and put procedures into place to stop it. Â  Lack of training and training facilities and the negligence seem to be the major reason for the mishaps in British healthcare system. Even though most of the healthcare professionals have level 1 & 2 training, at least some of the healthcare professionals have not completed the much-needed level 3 training for giving proper care to the children. Â  In the baby P case, the social workers failed to identify or report the child abuse even though they visited the family of baby P around 60 times. Moreover, they failed to identify the criminal history of the family also. In other words, these social workers have not given much emphasized to their profession; they did everything mechanically. Most of the healthcare professionals in Britain may not have the passion for this profession. They are engaged in working in the healthcare industry just for finding a livelihood rather than any social commitments. Â  The most important solution for improving the standards of child healthcare system in Britain is to make the level 3 training compulsory for all the healthcare professionals and the social workers. Most of the hospital groups in Britain at present urge only the specialized staff to go for the level three training. Plymouth Hospitals have already admitted that most of their staffs are trained in level one and two whereas only a few got the level three training.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Promotion and Price Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Promotion and Price Paper - Essay Example This paper will look at the promotional and pricing strategies employed GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Plc in the marketing Advair. Focusing on the promotional efforts of the company, this report will identify the general strategy utilized by GSK. Next, the more specific efforts will be examined including the choice of media, content, and the message which is being conveyed. This paper will also look at the life cycle stage of Advair and how GSK prices according to this factor. Lastly, the appropriateness of the promotional and pricing strategies to the marketing mix will be examined. GlaxoSmithKline Plc is engaged in the "creation, discovery, development, manufacture, and marketing of pharmaceutical and consumer health related products worldwide" (GlaxoSmithKline Plc Profile 2007). In furthering its quest in becoming an innovator and pioneer in the world's pharmaceutical industry, GSK launched Advair, a combination of Serevent and Flitoxide which offers a long acting bronchodilator and an anti-inflammatory in a single inhaler (GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2005) in 2001. With the company's aggressive and intensive promotion effort, Advair is currently recognized brand in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Among the products in the portfolio of GSK, Advair generates the highest revenue and total profit. During 2005, Advair is GSK's bestseller, posting annual double-digit growth. In order to support this growth, GSK also allocates chunk of its budget in Advair promotional strategy. Being a relatively new market product in the market, Advair is launched and introduced through the use of different media like print ads, televisions, direct mail, internet, telemarketing, radio, and point of purchase. During the first 11 months of 2006, AC-Nielsen reports that GSK spent $120.5 million for Advair. This represents 16% of GSK's total promotional expenditures (Lopatto 2006). Advair Promotion The promotional strategy of GSK has gone a long way in introducing and enhancing the position of Advair in the global pharmaceutical industry. In 2005, Advair is ranked 7th in terms of global turnover. There has also been an increased used of the product since it was launched in the COPD market in January 2004 (Timmons 2005). Both in Europe and United States, Advair is becoming a number one alternative for the treatment of COPD. Thus, GSK is intensifying its effort in marketing Advair as a treatment for this disease. During May 14, 2005 the product is also approved for the treatment of asthma in children ages 4-11 (GlaxoSmithKline 2006). Advair capitalizes on the strength of GSK in the treatment of asthma and COPD. The promotional strategies of Advair, thus, centers on this core competence. As mentioned above, GSK's effort in the promotion of Advair has been both extensive and intensive, making use of almost all available channels. Advair is generally promoted as an essential component of COPD treatment and the most effective and convenient choice in asthma treatment. In order to simplify the analysis of the message and content of the advertisemen